One thing that remains the same, regardless who I meet, Veteran or First Responder, is that these men and women who dedicate their lives to service sometimes balk at being referred to as heroes. To them, they’re simply doing what they committed to doing- standing up to defend life and liberty, showing up to save lives and protect country and community. It’s important to acknowledge that their sacrifices do rise above, that of the average person. Websters Dictionary defines Hero as, “A man of distinguished valor, intrepidity, or enterprise in danger.” There is great pride and honor, in service. Those proud moments, the ones we all see in the news, or highlighted across social media platforms, dial in on the joyous moments- the person rescued, the return of troops, and more. Oftentimes, the biggest wins - the ones steeped in courage and bravery, stem from their greatest losses- moments we hear so little about. The obstacles our Veterans and First Responders face, and the challenges they overcome- for too long have taken a back burner to acknowledge, in large part due to the stigmas attached. Hero Services Chronicles aims to give a voice to Veterans and First Responders, who want to open up about their experiences. I’m going to introduce you to some local Heroes. You’ll learn their stories, their struggles, and the lessons they’ve learned while dedicating their lives to the greater good. Many of the Veterans and First Responders featured in our chronicles, are guests from the podcast who have let us transform the dialogue into written prose. Others, are men and women who’d prefer to share their experiences only in article form. It takes great fortitude to open up, and allow the general public this glimpse into the hearts and minds of those who serve and protect, and we appreciate their willingness to help us break the stigma’s as we forge ahead together in pursuit of mental wellness. One thing is certain, there are heroes among us in West Michigan, and these are their real-life stories.
© 2024 Mandy Fidler