The Hero Services sportsmen society is a newly developed social group for Veterans and First Responders, because of the service they have provided to our communities and our nation. Our objective is to provide fellow Veterans and First Responders with an atmosphere of shared interest, and to build a network. This is our first step in a long development process for the Hero Services Wellness Program. join as as we develop this fitness club together!
This club will operate predominantly as a chat space for Veterans and First Responders. Within the chat space we encourage group members to support one another in hunting and fishing. Veterans and First Responders can join the group with any experience level and at no cost to them. Hero Services will assist with encouraging conversation, coordinate the occasional event/ group meet, and develop of challenges/ contest. We may add individuals with specific interest to the hunting and fishing hobies to the group as a resource for group member to gather advice from. These individuals may or may not be Veterans or First Responders. If there is enough interest within the group Hero Services may develop merchandise specifically and exclusively for the group to purchase. Events may incur overhead costs that may need to be paid by individuals of the group for their registration. This will be dependant on the available funding of Hero Services. Be aware the fundraising efforts of Hero Services predominantly are for the Hero Services Relief Fund and further developments of the Hero Services Wellness Program.