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Recognizing and Providing Resources to our Veterans, First Responders, and Licensed Healthcare Providers


Hero Services is a non profit organization built for our Veterans, First Responders, and Licensed Healthcare Professionals.

Our mission is to recognize and provide resources to all our local Heroes.

With our various programs and events, you can assist Hero Services with our mission!!!


Founded in 2021

As a new non profit coming into the area in 2021, the organization has been built from the ground up and is located in West Michigan. Once in operation, Hero Services has grown exponentially, becoming one of the most active organizations in the area. We pride ourselves on the quality of our events and providing numerous opportunities for our Heroes and our following to be involved. Be Sure to check out our calendar to find the next opportunity for you to join us!

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Our events are what keep Hero Services in operation!

Our events are not only significantly impactful to our Heroes but also to the organization as a whole. While our events are fundraising for the resources provided by Hero Services, we also provide a significant amount of effort to recognize our Veterans, First Responders, and Healthcare Professionals for their service.

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Hero Services Relief Fund

Hero Services is currently providing the Hero Services Relief Fund to assist with financial emergencies for our Veterans, First Responders, and Licensed Healthcare Providers. If we are unable to assist with a specific need we will assist the individuals in finding the appropriate resources for them.


Hero Services Wellness Program

The Hero Services Wellness Program is currently being reimagined to provided mental health support to our Heroes. This includes preventative Mental Health Support, and will include reactionary care during a crisis.

We are currently offering social clubs for Veterans and First Responders to connect and support each other while we develop these services.

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Annual Report

Dedicated to Change.

During 2023 our fundraising efforts allowed Hero Services To provide the Hero Services Relief Fund. This fund has helped Veterans and First Responders with financial assistance.

Check out our annual report to see the charity cases Hero Services has been able to manage


We want to thank our principal sponsors for their ongoing support!

These companies are our staunchest supporters and are not only sponsoring our events but also sponsoring all of our programs and and Hero Services as a whole. We are forever grateful for the opportunities that have provided for our organization.

Please consider these companies for any service you may need


If you would like information on how to be a sponsor for Hero Services please utilize the button below