Strikes For Stripes- Sponsorship Sept 11th

Strikes For Stripes- Sponsorship Sept 11th
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring our event. Your sponsorship will assist in funding this event and any money left over will be placed directly into the Hero Services Wellness Program!
We have four levels of sponsorship with this event. Below you will find a description of the benefits with each sponsorship level.
Tower 2 Sponsorship Benefits: $400
Banner of company logo placed at venue (1 per Sponsor)
Recognition in marketing videos for the event
Social Media post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (3 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Strikes for Stripes Webpage
Announcement recognition of sponsors the day of the event
Booth available for you to promote your company at the event!
8 admission to tickets to spectate the event on September 11th
Tower 1 Sponsorship Benefits: $250
Banner of company logo placed at venue (1 per Sponsor)
Recognition in marketing videos for the event
Social Media post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (2 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Strikes for Stripes Webpage
Announcement recognition of sponsors the day of the event
Booth available for you to promote your company at the event!
4 admission to tickets to spectate the event on September 11th
Pentagon Memorial Sponsorship Benefits: $150
Social Media Post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (1 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Strikes for Stripes Webpage
Announcement recognition of sponsors the day of the event
2 admission tickets to the event on September 11th
Flight 93 Memorial Sponsorship Benefits: $100
Social Media Post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (1 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Strikes for Stripes Webpage
We have four levels of sponsorship with this event. Below you will find a description of the benefits with each sponsorship level.
Tower 2 Sponsorship Benefits: $500
Booth available for you to promote your company at the event! Booth Space located at the entry of Dewitt Stadium.
Recognized as our “Premier Sponsor” for the event.
Large banner of company logo placed on fencing of the baseball field (1 per Sponsor)
Recognized for sponsoring a specific attraction at the event ie: “the Strikes for Stripes Flyover brought to you by Business Name”
8 admission to tickets to spectate the event
Announcement recognition of sponsors the day of the event
Recognition in marketing videos for the event
Signage on entry path to venue (1 per Sponsor)
Social Media post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (3 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Event Webpage
Tower 1 Sponsorship Benefits: $350
Booth available for you to promote your company at the event! Booth Space located along the entry path to venue.
4 admission to tickets to spectate the event
Announcement recognition of sponsors the day of the event
Recognition in marketing videos for the event
Signage on entry path to venue (1 per Sponsor)
Social Media post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (2 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Event Webpage
Pentagon Memorial Sponsorship Benefits: $200
Signage on entry path to venue (1 per Sponsor)
2 tickets for the day of the event
Social Media post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (1 per month until day of the event, starting the week of receiving payment of sponsorship)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on Event Webpage
Flight 93 Memorial Sponsorship Benefits: $150
Social Media Post’s on Hero Services social media platforms (1 acknowledgment post prior to the event)
Recognition at the day of event on print materials
Acknowledgement on event Webpage